Our hosting accounts come complete with cPanel which is one of the most powerful control panels on the market, cPanel allows you to manage and control all aspects of your hosting account online with a few clicks of the mouse.
Getting Started Wizard The new getting started wizard walks you through setting up the basics of your web hosting account, from email to web disk access, the wizard will get you up and running in no time at all.
When you first login to your cPanel control panel you will be greeted with the popup window as shown on the right, just follow the wizard to get the essentials setup.
One Click Feature Access The home screen of cPanel clearly lays out the options that are available for quick and easy and access.
Your cPanel can be personalised, you can drag and drop each section into order of your choice putting your most used features where you need them.
You can even hide parts of your cPanel that you don't use to save space in your web browser window, you do this by minimizing the section which can be maximised again should you wish to use it.
Cpanel Functions
CPANEL PREFERENCES Getting Started Wizard Change Style Change Password Change Language Update Contact Info
FILE MANAGEMENT Backups Disk Space Usage Backup Wizard FTP Accounts File Manager FTP Session Control Web Disk
EMAIL MANAGEMENT Email Accounts Mailing Lists WebMail User Level Filtering BoxTrapper Account Level Filtering SpamAssassin™ Email Delivery Route Email Forwarders MX Entry Auto Responders Email Authentication
LOGS Latest Visitors Error Log Bandwidth Awstats Raw Access Logs
SECURITY Password Protect Directories Leech Protect IP Deny Manager GnuPG Keys Hotlink Protection
DOMAINS Subdomains Redirects Parked Domains
DATABASES MySQL® Databases phpMyAdmin MySQL® Database Wizard Remote MySQL Access
SOFTWARE/SERVICES CGI Centre PHP PEAR Packages Perl Modules Optimise Website
ADVANCED OPTIONS Apache Handlers Cron Jobs Image Manager FrontPage® Extensions Index Manager MIME Types Custom Error Pages