At IDT we can provide your school or business with a website tailored to you exact requirements. From static websites of only a few pages to dynamic websites where you control all aspects by logging in and adding your own content, from as little as £100 the choice is yours. |
Static websites Websites typically created in plain HTML with any content you require and a custom design of your specification. Maintained and hosted by us. Suitable for schools and businesses that do not intend adding material on a frequent basis.
Dynamic websites These are custom designed for businesses and schools, running from an SQL database hosted on our servers in docklands they offer the maximum flexibility and ease of update. And best of all we provide and set up this website for free as part of a maintenance agreement. (Annual hosting cost of £50 applies)
Online 'wysiwyg' editor No more messing about with FTP simply log in and add content as you would with a word processor. Add new pages, pictures, charts, links etc all at the click of the mouse.
Dynamic calendar Add events simply by clicking + on the appropriate date in the calendar and filling out the details.
Dynamic news Have news items about your school or business appear automatically on the front page in order of submission. Include pictures, formatted text, links, animations etc. Add the full story on the main page or use a lead in and have the full story displayed separately.
Get staff and students involved Have staff submit content to the website, be it web links, news or events. Any submitted content will await approval by the site administrator before becoming live.
Even easier updates! When using a web server in school or at work we can make it a simple case of drag and drop for you to add new content. Newsletters, gallery items, pod casts, video, anything in digital format. We create an extra drive on your network (for those people you specify) and copying items into the appropriate folder in that drive will make them instantly available on your website!
Multiple themes Change the look of you site as you wish without altering the actual content.
E-Commerce Sites Sites built to your specification using the respected and flexible osCommerce software. Capable of handling 1000's of products and categories, completely customisable in terms of design and function and compatable with almost all payment gateways.
And much, much more please contact us for details.